Can you win the fist fight? I refuse to lose that fight i have never lost a fist fight in my live. I was once in a 20 vs 1 and i won so i refuse to lose at that part no matter what can you please add winning the fist fight. I quit the game at that part and havent played for about 6? months for that sole reason
Where's the save of this game in my android file list?this is my fourth time to relaunch a new save(ı downloaded the new version after I bought a new phone)
Hola buenas tardes mi estimado amigo espero que estés bien quiero desearte una feliz tarde y quiero darte gracias primero por la nueva actualización pero me gustaría comentar que la nueva actualización tiene algunos errores primero que ya no puedo jugar la partida que tenía guardada antes de actualizar la nueva actualización cada vez que intento jugar la me aparece error y me saca del juego lo 2 sería que cuando el personaje la coloca en diferentes posiciones aparece también error sobre todo en las posiciones nuevas la pantalla se oscurece y no se ve que hacen los personajes solo se puede apreciar la conversación o el diálogo que tienen en el acto me gustaría saber porque ya no puedo jugar la partidas que guarde y si podrías corregir los errores que presenta el juego sin más nada que comentar gracias y espero su pronta respuesta feliz día
Im playing on android and i have a question, when i download an update file is my progress saved or do i have to save it for the new update,when i have to save it, how.
es que yo no tengo para pagar en Patreon primero porque por ahora no me ha llegado nada de trabajo aquí a la empresa y segundo en el caso de que si pudiera pagar Patreon vivo en Venezuela y la moneda de aquí no sirve por eso estoy esperando a que la coloques la actualización por aquí para poder descargarlo y seguir disfrutando y avanzando donde me quede
Hola buenas tardes mi estimado espero que esté bien usted y todo tu equipo de trabajo de este juego una pregunta cuando saldra la nueva actualización de este juego por favor
Hey - I have an issue I've ran through the vacation days but the game still says "enjoy your vacation" it's been several in game weeks I've tried everything I could think of and can't seem to progress - any tips? Was there something specific I was supposed to do during the vacation in order to "enjoy your vacation"? I just did a bunch of dates and spent lots of time with mag.
Hello gentlemen, I need help with something, I already finished the vacations days and I have the mission that says I have to discover Maya's Secret but I can't complete it So please say me how i can complete it or if the mission cannot be completed yet, because of the updates, just let me know, thanks
I managed to advance a little, but there was a moment when I didn't know what to do, basically the character says he wants to go to the bathroom, but I don't know what to do, I can't take a shower or go to the toilet, honestly I think it's a bug
Hola buenas noches mi estimado amigo espero que esté bien bueno primero que nada quiero felicitarlo por este juego de verdad me encantó mucho de verdad espero ver pronto una nueva actualización y aunque en algunas partes del juego mostraba errores me gustó mucho si el dinero de mi país sirviera para algo y me permitiera colaborar algo con su trabajo lo haría para poder disfrutar mejor de sus contenidos espero ver pronto la nueva actualización una pregunta cuando la tendremos
Buenas mi estimado, muchas gracias por su apoyo, muestro mi mas sincera gratitud por sus palabras y mis mas sinceros pesames por la situacion economica latinoamericana, un abrazo!
I'm having a hard time figuring this out , i'm trying to delete the folder and paste another one cause i can't launch a game but when i tried to it says that operation is not successfully completed because the file contains the virus and the file i found was called "libwinpthread-1.dll" any ideas how to fix this
The apk doesn't allow updates. Keeps saying "App not installed as package conflicts with an existing package" which makes me gave to uninstall and install latest app. Losing my progress. Any tips?
Awsome, I don't mind waiting for the pregnancy content. It makes sense to add it later in games generally so we can build our relationships first. Plus this game is already really good so I will keep playing till its finished; the pregnancy will come when it comes :D Keep up the great work!
← Return to game
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How do you get the storage sex event
is on the guide
How do you update from version 0.10.0 to 0.12.0 on android
download the apk and install it, if you cant, delete the old apk and install the new, remember copying your saves before doing this
Can you win the fist fight? I refuse to lose that fight i have never lost a fist fight in my live. I was once in a 20 vs 1 and i won so i refuse to lose at that part no matter what can you please add winning the fist fight. I quit the game at that part and havent played for about 6? months for that sole reason
you can win the fight
just need hability
thanks i always lost when we both had 1 hp and the ohter dude had the turn so i would always die.
the most easy way to win, is justo block and do counter attacks, that way you dont recieve damage and can do damage to him
ok mi estimado amigo y a dónde te envío los capturas de pantalla de los errores
aqui mismo o en el discord
Hola buenas tardes mi estimado amigo no me respondiste comentario o la publicación que publique hace unos días
Where's the save of this game in my android file list?this is my fourth time to relaunch a new save(ı downloaded the new version after I bought a new phone)
One more thing , an unknown error caused my browser cannot upload any screenshots since the picture less 250kb
Just copy all the files in save to the new phone's same- name- folder , right?
Hola buenas tardes mi estimado amigo espero que estés bien quiero desearte una feliz tarde y quiero darte gracias primero por la nueva actualización pero me gustaría comentar que la nueva actualización tiene algunos errores primero que ya no puedo jugar la partida que tenía guardada antes de actualizar la nueva actualización cada vez que intento jugar la me aparece error y me saca del juego lo 2 sería que cuando el personaje la coloca en diferentes posiciones aparece también error sobre todo en las posiciones nuevas la pantalla se oscurece y no se ve que hacen los personajes solo se puede apreciar la conversación o el diálogo que tienen en el acto me gustaría saber porque ya no puedo jugar la partidas que guarde y si podrías corregir los errores que presenta el juego sin más nada que comentar gracias y espero su pronta respuesta feliz día
por favor pasame un screenshot de los errores
How do you get the fingering scene if you completed the story?
Im playing on android and i have a question, when i download an update file is my progress saved or do i have to save it for the new update,when i have to save it, how.
you need to copy your saves in the game folder before installing a new update
Como se le sube la lujuria a la chica?
dale cerveza
I show here that the download failed, and the error code is 403.But I don't know why the download failed.
Espero que saquen la versión publica por favor
Why is it that every time I download a game, when I download most of it, it suddenly shows that the download fails?
i update the game every 2 months
Awesome game!!! 😍❤️😍
great story and great graphics 🎮
Can't wait for the next update!
La nueva actualización de este juego ya salió o todavía no ha salido
salio en mi patreon
es que yo no tengo para pagar en Patreon primero porque por ahora no me ha llegado nada de trabajo aquí a la empresa y segundo en el caso de que si pudiera pagar Patreon vivo en Venezuela y la moneda de aquí no sirve por eso estoy esperando a que la coloques la actualización por aquí para poder descargarlo y seguir disfrutando y avanzando donde me quede
la publico en abril
ok está bien esperaré entonces gracias nuevamente y feliz día
Hola buenas tardes mi estimado espero que esté bien usted y todo tu equipo de trabajo de este juego una pregunta cuando saldra la nueva actualización de este juego por favor
en 2 meses como siempre
Hola buenos días tengan todos espero que estén bien una pregunta mi estimado amigo creador de este gran juego cuando llegara la nueva actualización
Yo, this game is awesome, I cant wait for the next update!
Wait 12 hours
If you hate NTR, then it is no longer awesome (maya cucks MC).
Se tem português, tem minha atenção.Dificil achar iniciativas assim.
Hola buenas noches tengan todos espero que estén bien una pregunta mi estimado amigo cuánto falta para la nueva actualización de este juego por favor
en marzo
Hey - I have an issue I've ran through the vacation days but the game still says "enjoy your vacation" it's been several in game weeks I've tried everything I could think of and can't seem to progress - any tips? Was there something specific I was supposed to do during the vacation in order to "enjoy your vacation"? I just did a bunch of dates and spent lots of time with mag.
thats a bug i cant solution yet
Hello gentlemen, I need help with something, I already finished the vacations days and I have the mission that says I have to discover Maya's Secret but I can't complete it So please say me how i can complete it or if the mission cannot be completed yet, because of the updates, just let me know, thanks
you need to go to work and have sex with maggie until maya discovers you
I have some questions, the first is: how do I move forward in my relationship with Maggie? and what are these technique points

Just advance on the story to raise your relationship status
try dont going to toilet in the same day you do this mision
One more question, how do I buy these training clothes?
on internet, on
What kind of fetishes are in/planned?
Fetishes?? ammm... i just do H scenes, dont spect weird things
NTR has been added in last update (maya cucks MC with the nerd).
Hola buenas noches mi estimado amigo espero que esté bien bueno primero que nada quiero felicitarlo por este juego de verdad me encantó mucho de verdad espero ver pronto una nueva actualización y aunque en algunas partes del juego mostraba errores me gustó mucho si el dinero de mi país sirviera para algo y me permitiera colaborar algo con su trabajo lo haría para poder disfrutar mejor de sus contenidos espero ver pronto la nueva actualización una pregunta cuando la tendremos
Buenas mi estimado, muchas gracias por su apoyo, muestro mi mas sincera gratitud por sus palabras y mis mas sinceros pesames por la situacion economica latinoamericana, un abrazo!
La actu llega en 20 dias
como? cuales escenas?
Is the 2023 Christmas event a whole reference to the Christmas event of "Wolf Girl with You"?
Do you plan on adding pregnancy and a route with Maya and Cassie in the future?
I would love to have that in the game
While they said no, they did add NTR with maya now. (she fucks the nerd)
I'm having a hard time figuring this out , i'm trying to delete the folder and paste another one cause i can't launch a game but when i tried to it says that operation is not successfully completed because the file contains the virus and the file i found was called "libwinpthread-1.dll" any ideas how to fix this
it also says it has not a single bytes , is this file corrupted on accident or something? , but anyway i fixed the game
probably is damaged, try to redownload the game, and your on android or pc?
will there be a translation into simplified Chinese?(accept AI translate)
i dont think so, at least for now
hi, will there be a translation into Russian?
nope, sorry i dont think so
When's the next update?
1 month
The apk doesn't allow updates. Keeps saying "App not installed as package conflicts with an existing package" which makes me gave to uninstall and install latest app. Losing my progress. Any tips?
I'm having the same problem
I'd love to have sex with that girl who wanted to make your sister her girlfriend if you add more school event.
rei is the protagonist of my other game, reckless love, go and check it!
If you love LI's that have been gangbanged that you then whore out to other dudes. you'll love that other game dev suggested.
Also this one has NTR now. (maya cucks MC).
I was wondering if there is pregnancy in the game or if there are plans for it in future updates.
Im planing pregnancy for the sequel, so dont spect it soon
Awsome, I don't mind waiting for the pregnancy content. It makes sense to add it later in games generally so we can build our relationships first. Plus this game is already really good so I will keep playing till its finished; the pregnancy will come when it comes :D Keep up the great work!
Hi developer, is there a Chinese translation for the game?
Hey dev,when v 0.11.0 release in public?
1 month