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I'm having issues getting any scenes with Margaret. I'm 3 weeks in and have max trust and love. Am I missing something? or is there more grinding than I thought?

look at the guide of the game if you are stuck

thank you, totally forgot about that haha

I loved the game and the story! The characters are very well-developed. Great game!!

Thank you >3

what the wolf doing


indeed she's a good wolf


this game is freaky as hell

Hello, I noticed that in the new version of the game (0.17.0) there are problems with the translation of text into Russian, in some dialogues, in the interface, etc. Can you tell me when this will be fixed?

translations are automatic so there can be so many untranslated lines, i will thank to you if you can send me the errors you find on my discord server

ok, a little later today I'll send you screenshots with errors

can you release the 0.180 as a free download

0.18.0 will be free when 0.19.0 cames out as normal


ok so when is the 0.19.0 coming out

(1 edit)

in 2 months, this month is the turn of reckless love update

is it Possible to have babies with Margaret

What day will the new update is coming?

I'm not a fan of NTR or anything like that, but wasn't it possible to make bad endings to see what would happen if you failed? As, for example, in the case of losing a battle with Zen, Margaret starts dating him.

So you are not NTR fan but want NTR ending? XD

Well, yes? I want to see what would have happened if the main character had lost. The banal "what if". Is there a contradiction in my proposal? I just don't see the point of adding any other characters/conflicts if the main character can't even theoretically lose.

(1 edit)

Lmao it's the appeal that you're actually making a choice for me tbh, I do like ntr tho ngl

And apparently I put it wrong, I'm more neutral towards NTR.

nah im not going to add that

Thank God I was worried for a second even though I knew you would say you wouldn't add that. Btw very good update, I just finished it.

They got major backlash about a month or 2 ago(maybe later longer, I'm bad with time) from adding it in(idk know why, why's everyone scared of ntr anyway) but yeah that's why it's not there anymore lol. I personally don't mind, I still love the game regardless

well, that's what I thought, I don't understand this fear of NTR, there's no point in any conflicts if everything goes well in the end without a hint of risk

Like, I just don't understand, it's like in harem houses, like there aren't any other male characters at all.

my game is not about harem

hi RecentlyLuckyMan I'm already waiting for an update in the game Wolf Complex 0.17.0 2nd day there is no update, it is delayed or postponed for a month, it will be updated soon Wolf Complex March 1

im sorry, i literally forgot febraury had only 28 days XD, im finishing the update to launch it tomorrow

ok thank you 

hi RecentlyLuckyMan game update  Wolf Complex 0.17.0 will be released on March 1st


 ok thank you 




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can you explain what is the purpose of completing this mission Actural Mission Talk to magie in the living room (larde)

that activates the next story scene

and how to complete this mission?I'm just Russian and I can't translate properly because it's Spanish.

just go and talk to maggie on the living room

There is no option to talk in the living room.

im sorry i got confused, is not the living room, is the classroom

Version 0.17.0 is only available on Patreon or will be available to everyone in the future?

i will release the 0.17.0 for free when the 0.18.0 cames out on patreon.
So in march 1

El mejor juego +18 que jugué XD

Thank you for creating such a masterpiece HAHA

Gracias! me alegro que te guste!

I want the normal font. My translation app can't translate in some parts and the font size is too small. Overall the game is good but you need to set the font. Sorry I use the translation app.

what app are you using?

For some reason the sex friends cowgirl position won't unlock in the gallery, the others all did no problem just that one in particular for some reason

oh im going to see that thanks for the advice

Hello, I want to inform you that Android devices Russian language does not work stably and also interface bugs please fix I will be very grateful good luck (sorry for spelling words I use a translator)

oh, thanks for notice me i will see if i can fix it

Thank you 

(2 edits)

hi RecentlyLuckyMan I have a question, I don’t understand what needs to be done or is it all over or is this the next update of the game or this task, what should I do I don’t understand Wolf Complex Mision Actual La historia continua en futuras actualizaciones 10 out of 10 score for the game Wolf Complex

that means the story will continue in future updates, so you completed all missions XD, you can see the guide to complete all secondary events

(1 edit)

 ok thank you 

Muy buen juego 10/10 estaré esperando la próxima actualización

The scam left paid at 0.17 of Wolf complex because that

what? im sorry i am not understanding

and how long will it be for the next update of the Wolf Complex game and what will happen there? I’m just very interested

next update come out in march and will have more story content

ok thanks
hi developer of the Recently LuckyMan game Wolf Complex I really liked your game I downloaded your game Wolf Complex and I'm waiting for the update please answer me I'm just Russian if anything

hello! im glad you like my game!

Una duda a el juego como cuanto le falta para terminar no es por apresurar tan solo quiero saber que tanto se va a agragar a el juego refirienadome a el contenido de el mismo saludos

yo creo que mas o menos unas 10 updates mas? realmente no lo se, puede ser mas o puede ser menos, pero yo creo que mas o menos eso

Vale gracias y suerte con el juego

Hi, the game is a masterpiece, I really like it. Please translate the new version (0.17.0) into Russian.

I have a new phone that is quite powerful and everything I install the game then I play and there is a crash bug in the game in a sex animation and it crashes the game completely and closes it automatically like that so it will be necessary to do a revision on the animations that you trigger when you want by spanking on the bed for the moment only the position where it is facing him lying down which is bug I hope you will understand the message 

i cant really say nothing to you about this.

I test the game on my own phone, and everything works fine, never crashes, i know nothing about android developing, so i cant really say how to help you.

The only thing i can think is about incompatibility, there are many types of phones so it can work better or worse in some devices

I've never had any problems before until now it's the only game where it crashes and my phone is a Samsung Galaxy S21a powerful enough not to have any bugs 

Are you guys going to create a really long story in this game?

(1 edit)

hmmm actually, the story is near to end, i think i am almost on 80% of story, the game still needs some work, i need to add more things before the end of the game.

BUt i think, there will be no more than 10 updates left, i think.

This can be longer or shorter than i expect, but the game is on his final line.

And there is the problem that the translation is not good, I put it in Portuguese and most of it is in Spanish, please fix this.

is beacuse portuguse translation is not completed

Olá, quando será lançada a nova atualização e poderemos fazer sexo com Cassie?

never, not plans of add sex scenes with cassie

did you ever add anal?

(1 edit)

anal is already on the game, is a scene on the love hotel

Are you planning to add harem? I would like to fuck the bully girl

no, i dont think on a harem

oh :(

and the bully girl is rei, the protagonist of reckless love xd go play that game to fuck her 

Wait so does that mean wolf complex and reckless love takes place the same universe? I always thought they take place in different one's.

yes they are in the same universe

Excited to see what comes in the future updates, though I do have question, and it's if pregnancy will be a thing in future updates as the pill you can buy prevents pregnancy. This is also no hate as I don't really care if it's a thing as I've played other games like this that have it and I really just like the wholesome interactions your character has with their kids in those games, otherwise, keep up the great work.

im planning a pregnancy endind, not sure if i can make the pregnancy "playable",  but is a thing that is going to happen. 

Nice to know

Why does the UI sometimes bug? It's like when I'm talking, to Margaret suddenly her clothes change and the setting also changes

what??? this is on android?

That has happened to me to on android

but what happened, can you send me a screenshot please?

aaaaaaaah now i undertand, thank you, im going to try to fix it

just a question, can you change the custom background on android? i'm struggling to find the directory

I think is not possible to change it on android, only on pc, im sorry :(

what is the aspect ratio needed for images to fit on the phone

the resolution needed is 533x928

Thank you

Found a way to change it on android,   

1. Download Z Archiver

2. Go to storage folder

3. Go to emulated folder

4. go to folder called zero

5. Go to Android folder

6. Go to data folder

7. Swipe down to folder called wolf.complex

8. Go into wolf.complex folder and then into files folder

9. Tap the plus sign in the bottom right

10. Make a folder called wolfcomplex/game/custom_background.png

11. Pick image you want cut it from the downloads folder and bring it into wolf.complex

12. Rename it custom_background.png

13. Paste it into game folder it will give you a prompt tap rename then delete custom_background.png folder

14. Rename the image back to custom_background.png

15. Cut the game folder out of the folder wolfcomplex

16. Paste it into files folder

17. Delete the now empty folder called wolfcomplex

18. Hurray the image in the android version of the ame is changed 

19. If you want to change the image again you have to go through all these steps again or it gets upset for some reason 

20. Sorry for the many steps hope this helps 

Just in case i assume you might not have seen it but i commented a eay to change the phone background on android version of game

Found a way to change it on android,   

1. Download Z Archiver

2. Go to storage folder

3. Go to emulated folder

4. go to folder called zero

5. Go to Android folder

6. Go to data folder

7. Swipe down to folder called wolf.complex

8. Go into wolf.complex folder and then into files folder

9. Tap the plus sign in the bottom right

10. Make a folder called wolfcomplex/game/custom_background.png

11. Pick image you want cut it from the downloads folder and bring it into wolf.complex

12. Rename it custom_background.png

13. Paste it into game folder it will give you a prompt tap rename then delete custom_background.png folder

14. Rename the image back to custom_background.png

15. Cut the game folder out of the folder wolfcomplex

16. Paste it into files folder

17. Delete the now empty folder called wolfcomplex

18. Hurray the image in the android version of the ame is changed 

19. If you want to change the image again you have to go through all these steps again or it gets upset for some reason 

20. Sorry for the many steps hope this helps

Hola buenas tardes mi estimado amigo espero que estés bien y que hallas recibido un año nuevo junto tus familiares una pregunta y la actualización del juego la versión publica cuando la vas a publicar

cuando salga la 0.18.0 en dos meses, el mes siguiente es la actualizacion de reckless love

Feliz Año tengan todos espero que estén bien

Feliz año! <3

I have a few questions.

I love the Halloween theme music. Is there by chance somewhere I can find it on YouTube? 

And next year could we get a werewolf outfit next Halloween?

Hi! I wanted to know, i play this game on android and i want to update but dont want to lost my progress and i simply cant find the folder where the saves should be, could you help my in any way? thank you

Hola buenos días tengan todos espero que estén bien feliz navidad tengan todos una pregunta mi estimado amigo en la próxima actualización del juego vas a avanzar la historia del juego

hola mi buen estimado, feliz navidad!

Lamento informarle que la siguiente actualizacion sera un poco pequeña debido a que me tome unas semanitas de receso para pasar navidad con mi familia, por lo que esta update no contendra contenido de la historia.

Planeo continuar la historia en la actualizacion que viene despues de esta!

Oh, comments are open again?

when is the next update

January 1 i hope

W game 

W developer

What means W?

I think usually its to mean "winner"? So it's usually a good thing.
But in this context, maybe it means "wolf" hmm...

Yes! W means winner but it means something/someone is really good or popular, saying L (loser) would be the opposite :)

Peoples become too lazy to spell full words or something?

(1 edit)

Around 1994, yes. W and L have been conversational terms for "a good thing happened" and "a bad thing happened" (a win or loss originally) since 2012 at the latest, but probably didn't become something almost everyone who speaks english would recognize until around 2015 or so. Its only become more popular since, and the terms originally come from labeling columns in competitive scoring (W/L/D, win loss draw) for games and matches for.... well centuries. The original meme phrase was 'add one to the win column' or any variation thereof, but eventually shortened to 'get a w' or 'take an l' situationally, and from there just became W and L without explanation because most people don't need it.

Edit: but I should clarify, shortening words to just one letter only became highly popular among the general population in 1994. More generally its been around for about 12000 years, and some examples can be seen sumerian and akkadian clay tablets written in cuneiform. It was 1994 when people started using pagers and the internet to commonly communicate and typing on them was even more of a hassle than caligraphy for the people of that time period, to whom computers and cellular phones were strange technology they were begrudgingly forced to use. 

Winston Churchill is the first known user of OMG, in a telegraph, during WWII, (and the telegraph operator had to explain to the recipient that it meant oh my god). Other forms of shorthand have been in common use by stenographers for around as long as people have been using the latin alphabet. Most scribes copying manuscripts in the 1400s or so for example, would write 'a' in place of 'and' and many other similar single letter substitutions, and in fact this is the origin of the apostrophe, which literally means "there is supposed to be one or more letters in this word and I choose not to write them."

Before that we simply wrote Johns instead of John's (the apostrophe to denote possession is actually due to a centuries old uncorrected mistake that became the new correct).

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