Reckless Love 0.0.4 Release


This game is back!

What's new?

-Added next part of roy's quest

-Added new minigame: bike race.

-Added new internet page: porn

-Added cheats

-Added tutorial.

-French language added

-Bug fixes and translation corrections.

Dev notes


It's been so long until i updated this game the last time, 7 months...

The update is a little small, but as i said before, i want to concentrate on wolf complex until i finish it, then, i will concentrate at 100% on this game.

I only wanted to revive the game and give you some new content, but the next two months will be only wolf complex until i update this game again.

See you later!


Reckless Love Android 464 MB
19 days ago
Reckless Love Windows 418 MB
19 days ago
Reckless Love Linux 408 MB
19 days ago
Reckless Love Mac 423 MB
19 days ago

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